Disgaea RPG Wiki
Majin Etna Event Banner
This is a mysterious gate that appears irregularly through a space-time rift.
It can be used to summon Overlord Candidates from another space...

Collect the shards to get the Characters that emerge!

Geo Effects[]

[Gun] Forte Character: All stats except SPD + 100%

[Monster Physical] Forte Character: All stats except SPD + 100%


Like most other gates aside from Pringer X, Majin Etna is available in two different difficulties:

  1. Normal: Lv. 1900
  2. Asura: Lv. 3000

Like other gates, only the harder difficulty guarantees shards.


Majin Etna gate has 4 waves and they are always the same with no variance unlike later gates.

Wave 1[]

The first wave consists of Etna + 4 Prinnies. Etna has a Staff and will by default try to cast Sleep+ on your strongest unit. If they are not asleep the next turn, she will try to cast Sleep+ again. If they are asleep, she will cast Star instead. The Red Prinny will try to use Charm+ for the Forget status effect on your highest SPD unit.

Wave 2[]

The second wave consists of 3 Pringer V3s and 2 Prinnies. The Pringer V3s have high defense and can use Mega Sleep or Prinny Destroy. The Red Prinny in the wave can use Charm+ again if none of your units have Forget status effect on them.

Wave 3[]

The third wave consists of 5 Prinnies. Like previously, you can get hit by Charm+ if none of your units have Forget on them.

Wave 4[]

The final wave consists of Majin Etna + 4 Blue Prinnies. Etna can use Major Prinny Raid, Sexy Beam+, Dead End Chaos or normal attacks against you. The Prinnies can use any normal Prinny skill as well as Giga Shield+ or Giga Enfeeble+.

Character Gates
Character Gate Events Majin EtnaPure FlonneBloodisSister Artina