Game mode in which you can upgrade your equipment and more!
How it Works[]
Select any equip to enter its world; the level of enemies inside scales with the item rank. This mode doesn't consume AP and has an Auto Advance setting so it's perfect to farm experience on Weapon Proficiency or Skills. Depending on the rarity of the equip, the world will have more or less floors according to the table, and the deeper you go the stronger the enemies will be.
common | rare | legendary | |
floors | 30 | 60 | 100 |
rarity | 1-39 | 40-69 | 70-100 |
°Note that a common 39 rarity item will have better stats compared to a common 1 rarity item
Bosses and Drops[]
On every tenth floor, a boss will show up. Every multiple of 30, the boss will be an Item King and at floor 100, it will be an Item God. All other bosses are Item Generals. The difference lies in their strength and the chance to drop a treasure chest! The rank of the equipment that drops from a boss will be either of the same rank or one rank higher than the item you are in.
Item General | Item King | Item God | |
drop % | 20% | 40% | 80% |
° The Data was calculated on at least 1000 runs per floor without drop percent boost (on JP server, but the rate should be the same).
The rarity of the chest does not depend upon the rarity of the item nor which Boss floor you're at.
Common | Rare | Legendary | |
chance % | 96.7% | 3% | 0.3% |
° The rarity of the treasure chest will influence the item rarity accordingly (eg. a gold chest will result in a legendary item). The Data was calculated over 4'000 drops. Also note that the percentage of getting an armor is much higher than getting a weapon.
Every equip have some slot for innocents and if a slot show a red face means that you can Subdue an innocent by going into his world. Unknown Innocents are divided in four primary schools so be sure to check them so you know what you'll get.
Foundation | Physical | Brain | Ambition | |
effect boost | SPD or HP% | ATK% or DEF% | INT% or RES% | HL% or EXP% |
effect range | 0.3~1SPD 1.6~6% HP | 1.6~6% | 1.6~6% | 0.4~2% |
° Note you'll get only one effect; for example, if you subdue a Foundation Innocent, you'll get a SPD one or a HP% one.
Unsubdued Innocents will appear on random floors (though not a boss's floor) stopping AUTO mode, unless you also have subdue tickets mode on, in this case AUTO will continue and the innocents will be subdued (consuming 1 subdue ticket). Once one appears, you'll have a chance to subdue them or bribe them. Bribing will increase affection up to a maximum of 100, which would guarantee subduing the innocent. If you fail, the innocent will either run away or say no and raise affection by a small amount. If an innocent runs away or gets killed, the innocent will be lost forever, releasing one item slot. Once the innocent gets subdued, you'll see a happy yellow face on the equip telling you what benefits you get.
[ Innocents percentage effects increase stats that the item already have]
Innocent value will vary according to its rarity, according to the following chart:
common | 0.3~0.6 | 1.6~2.9% | 0.4~0.9% |
rare | 0.6~0.8 | 3.0~4.9% | 1.0~1.7% |
legendary | 0.9~1.0 | 5.0~6.0% | 1.8~2.0% |
Hints and Tips[]
- The most important one is that you can reset a Boss floor if he doesn't drop a chest or the rarity of it doesn't interest you enough; be sure to not kill the minions around the Boss and kill only him. This way you can then press on Menu --> Give up --> Yes --> Retry. Do so until you get what you want.
- Having 2 or 3 cheap AoE users with only the AoE in their skill slot will help advancing the floors rapidly.
- Using the Bill 'Raise Drop Rates' will help with getting chests. To use this effectively or if you want to drop a rare/legendary chest, prepare a lot of common items in which you have reached the 30th floor.
- Using Pirates (N.E. +1), Dark Santa Laharl (N.E. +1), or thieves will raise the chance to get a chest on bosses floor. The rarity of the chest is unaffected by these boosts.
5% | 5% | 3% |