Disgaea RPG Wiki

A demon-like Sicily from another dimension. She acts like she hates her big brother Laharl, but the truth is...



Stat lv 1 (4★) per lv lv 9999 (6★) lv 9999 (9★) Rank
HP 228 45 67513950 90018600 Pow rank ssPow rank plusPow rank plus
ATK 60 12 18003600 24004800 Pow rank sPow rank plusPow rank plus
DEF 60 12 18003600 24004800 Pow rank sPow rank plusPow rank plus
INT 64 12 18004200 24005600 Pow rank sPow rank plusPow rank plus
RES 64 12 18004200 24005600 Pow rank sPow rank plusPow rank plus
SPD 52 0 52 52 -
CRT 4% CRD 140%

° The minimum stats consider the character to be a 4★ unit, while maximum stats consider a 6★ unit. No Nether Enhancements or other kind of buffs are included.


Fire icon Ice icon Wind icon Star icon
25% 25% 25% 25%


Poison icon Paralysis icon Sleep icon Forget icon
25% 75% 25% 75%

Weapon Mastery[]

Equipment icon-1 Equipment icon-2 Equipment icon-3 Equipment icon-4 Equipment icon-5 Equipment icon-6 Equipment icon-7 Equipment icon-8 Equipment icon-9
2 2 6 7 4 4 10 - -



Name Description
Leader Limiter Release Staff-Wielding Allies: Basic Stats+25%
N.E. +1 Glitter of Sirius Staff-Equipped Self: Skill Damage+50%, and also, All Allies: Skill Damage+25%
N.E. +5 Venus Desire Self: If a foe was defeated this turn, INT+75%(2T) & CRD/CRT+30%(2T)
Ampoule icon N.E. +7 Hunter Altair Self: If a foe was defeated this turn, SP+15


Lv Name Power SP Target Att Dep
1 Magic Disaster Pow rank gPow rank plus > Pow rank f 25 > 18 AoE / My Self - INT
Destroy enemies with the released magic power! INT +(No. of Foes defeated by this Skill) ×20% (3T) [Self]
50 Ten Stars Unleashed - 20 > 12 Ally / Ally - RES
The contract is signed! Let the power be unleashed! Small Overheal & Remove Debuffs & Remove Evility Seal [Single Ally]
200 Nightmare Impact Pow rank f > Pow rank fPow rank plus 40 > 31 AoE / My Self - INT
Pierce the moon with magic power. If Target's HP is 25% or less, Skill Power +50% & CRT +15% (2T) & Skill Damage +20% (2T) [Self], INT +50% (3T) & SP Regen[10](3T) [All Allies]
N. E. +3 Ruin Overlord's Legion Pow rank s > Pow rank sPow rank plus 70 > 58 Single / My Self - INT
A terrifying curse invites the world's end. If Target's HP is 45% of less, Skill Power +50% & Consumes remaining SP to increase Skill Power further [Self], Steal 30SP [Single Foe]

° Please refer to this page for a list of Special Skill Effects

Magic Spells[]

Mastery Name Power SP Target Att Dep
4 star Pow rank b > Pow rank bPow rank plus 20 > 13 Single Star icon INT
Damage with cosmic power (stage 1). -
9 Resist Break - 10 > 3 Single - -
Decreases RES of the target (3 Turns) RES-20>35%
15 Mega Star Pow rank f > Pow rank fPow rank plus 40 > 31 AoE Star icon INT
Uses the power of Universe to deal damage (Tier 2) -
22 Mega Resist Break - 20 > 13 Single - -
Greatly decreases RES of the target (3 Turns) RES-40>55%
30 Giga Star Pow rank fPow rank plus > Pow rank e 50 > 39 AoE Star icon INT
Uses the power of Universe to deal damage (Tier 3) -
40 Omega Star Pow rank e > Pow rank d 65 > 52 AoE Star icon INT
Uses the power of Universe to deal damage (Tier 4) -

Nether Enhancement[]

Enhance Description
+1 Unlock Evility: Glitter of Sirius
+2 Parameters +40%
+3 Unlock Skill: Ruin Overlord's Legion
+4 Parameters +10%
+5 Unlock Evility: Venus Desire
+6 Parameters +40%
+7 Unlock Evility: Hunter Altair
+8 Parameters +10%
+9 Parameters +10%
+10 Parameters +10%
+11 Unique Skills SP Consumption -2
+12 Star Resistance +10%
+13 INT +12%
+14 HP / DEF / RES +12%
+15 Parameters +20%

Killia's Training[]

Training Description
1 INT+10%
2 Magic Disaster [SP-1]
3 HP+20%
4 Nightmare Impact [SP-3]
5 SP+5
6 SPD+1
7 DEF+5%
8 RES+5%
9 Ruin Overlord's Legion [SP-3]
10 Basic parameters +10%.

Character Links[]

Thunderlord Laharl
Raspberyl XENO
Desco XENO
Thunderlady Laharl
Referee Lucky Board



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