Disgaea RPG Wiki

A female combat android. In addition to the standard functions like cooking, cleaning, and weapons of mass destruction, she also works as the admin of the Request Board at the Resort.



Stat lv 1 (4★) per lv lv 9999 (6★) lv 9999 (9★) Rank
HP 140 28 42008400 56011200 Pow rank b
ATK 42 8 12002700 16003600 Pow rank aPow rank plus
DEF 40 8 12002400 16003200 Pow rank aPow rank plus
INT 40 8 12002400 16003200 Pow rank aPow rank plus
RES 40 8 12002400 16003200 Pow rank aPow rank plus
SPD 52 0 52 52 -
CRT 4% CRD 140%

° The minimum stats consider the character to be a 4★ unit, while maximum stats consider a 6★ unit. No Nether Enhancements or other kind of buffs are included.


Fire icon Ice icon Wind icon Star icon
25% 25% 25% 25%


Poison icon Paralysis icon Sleep icon Forget icon
75% 25% 50% 50%

Weapon Mastery[]

Equipment icon-1 Equipment icon-2 Equipment icon-3 Equipment icon-4 Equipment icon-5 Equipment icon-6 Equipment icon-7 Equipment icon-8 Equipment icon-9
5 10 5 5 5 5 5 - -



Name Description
Leader Vanguard Support Mode All Allies: ATK, INT and HP +14%
N.E. +1 Iron Fist of Steel All Allies: If self equipped with Fist, Damage dealt +12%
N.E. +5 Combative Armor All Allies: if 3 or more Knight-type Allies in party, ATK and DEF +22%
Ampoule icon N.E. +7 Auto-Repair Self: At end of turn, If HP is under 25%, restore 50% HP


Lv Name Power SP Target Att Dep
1 Short-Range Beam Pow rank e > Pow rank d 20 > 13 Single / Single - ATK
Point-blank burst of electron rays. SPD -10%
200 Demise Burst Pow rank fPow rank plus > Pow rank e 50 > 39 AoE / Party - ATK
The barrier reflects the beams on the foe Consume 5% of current HP, Party: Basic Stats except HP +15%
N. E. +3 Dimensional Missile Pow rank c > Pow rank b 90 > 74 AoE / Party - ATK
Unleashes the weapons of dimensional destruction. Party: SPD +15>30%

° Please refer to this page for a list of Special Skill Effects

Magic Spells[]

Mastery Name Power SP Target Att Dep
4 Speed Boost - 10 > 3 Ally - -
Increases SPD of the target (3 Turns) SPD+20>35%
9 Braveheart - 10 > 3 Ally - -
Increases ATK of the target (3 Turns) ATK+20>35%
15 Magic Wall - 10 > 3 Ally - -
Increases RES of the target (3 Turns) RES+20>35%
22 Mega Speed Boost - 20 > 13 Ally - -
Greatly increases SPD of the target (3 Turns) SPD+40>55%
30 Mega Braveheart - 20 > 13 Ally - -
Greatly increases ATK of the target (3 Turns) ATK+40>55%
40 Mega Magic Wall - 20 > 13 Ally - -
Greatly increases RES of the target (3 Turns) RES+40>55%

Nether Enhancement[]

Enhance Description
+1 Unlock Evility: Iron Fist of Steel
+2 Parameters +10%
+3 Unlock Skill: Dimensional Missile
+4 Parameters +30%
+5 Unlock Evility: Combative Armor
+6 Parameters +10%
+7 Unlock Evility: Auto-Repair
+8 Parameters +10%
+9 Parameters +10%
+10 Parameters +30%
+11 Unique Skills SP Consumption -2
+12 Star Resistance +10%
+13 ATK +12%
+14 HP / DEF / RES +12%
+15 Parameters +20%

Killia's Training[]

Training Description
1 ATK+5%
2 Short-Range Beam [SP-2]
3 HP+35%
4 Demise Burst [Basic parameters other than HP +5% (3T) additional]
5 SP+5
6 SPD+1
7 DEF+5%
8 RES+5%
9 Dimensional Missile [SP-5]
10 Basic parameters +10%.

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