Disgaea RPG Wiki

A powerful vampire known as the "Tyrant". His believes his goal is to scare humans with pride. He wants to become a symbol of fear.



Stat lv 1 (4★) per lv lv 9999 (6★) lv 9999 (9★) Rank
HP 177 35 52510800 70014400 Pow rank sPow rank plus
ATK 57 11 16503600 22004800 Pow rank sPow rank plus
DEF 55 11 16503300 22004400 Pow rank sPow rank plus
INT 46 9 13502850 18003800 Pow rank aPow rank plusPow rank plus
RES 53 10 15003450 20004600 Pow rank s
SPD 51 0 51 51 -
CRT 4% CRD 140%

° The minimum stats consider the character to be a 4★ unit, while maximum stats consider a 6★ unit. No Nether Enhancements or other kind of buffs are included.


Fire icon Ice icon Wind icon Star icon
0% 50% 0% 0%


Poison icon Paralysis icon Sleep icon Forget icon
25% 50% 75% 50%

Weapon Mastery[]

Equipment icon-1 Equipment icon-2 Equipment icon-3 Equipment icon-4 Equipment icon-5 Equipment icon-6 Equipment icon-7 Equipment icon-8 Equipment icon-9
9 4 10 4 4 6 4 - -



Name Description
Leader Proud Tyrant Spear-Equipped Allies: Non-HP Basic Stats +22%, HP +25%
Ampoule icon N.E. +1 Assimilation Self: Healed by 20% if an enemy is down when a turn ends.
N.E. +5 Tyrant Spear-Equipped Self: Skill Damage +70%, SP Cost -15%
N.E. +7 Bloody Battle Self: If an enemy has been defeated, ATK/CRD +80% (7T), CRT +15% (7T)


Lv Name Power SP Target Att Dep
1 Tyrant Sweep Pow rank gPow rank plus > Pow rank f 25 > 18 AoE / My Self - ATK
The Tyrant's ruthless strike. Skill Damage +16% (2T) [Self]
200 Blood Sting Pow rank s > Pow rank sPow rank plus 60 > 48 Single / My Self Star icon ATK
Strike fear in the corrupted! Medium Heal [Self], Skill Power while using skill +20%
N. E. +3 Emperor Flughunde Pow rank c > Pow rank b 90 > 74 AoE / AoE Star icon ATK
A tyrannical death to the weak. When defeating an enemy Action Gauge +1000[Self], DEF/RES -50% (3T) & CRT -50% (1T) & Action Gauge -250[all enemies]

° Please refer to this page for a list of Special Skill Effects

Magic Spells[]

Mastery Name Power SP Target Att Dep
4 Wind Pow rank e > Pow rank d 20 > 13 Single Wind icon INT
Uses the power of Wind to deal damage (Tier 1) -
9 Braveheart - 10 > 3 Ally - -
Increases ATK of the target (3 Turns) ATK+20>35%
15 Mega Wind Pow rank f > Pow rank fPow rank plus 40 > 31 AoE Wind icon INT
Uses the power of Wind to deal damage (Tier 2) -
22 Mega Braveheart - 20 > 13 Ally - -
Greatly increases ATK of the target (3 Turns) ATK+40>55%
30 Giga Wind Pow rank fPow rank plus > Pow rank e 50 > 39 AoE Wind icon INT
Uses the power of Wind to deal damage (Tier 3) -
40 Omega Wind Pow rank e > Pow rank d 65 > 52 AoE Wind icon INT
Uses the power of Wind to deal damage (Tier 4) -

Nether Enhancement[]

Enhance Description
+1 Unlock Evility: Assimilation
+2 Parameters +40%
+3 Unlock Skill: Emperor Flughunde
+4 Parameters +10%
+5 Unlock Evility: Tyrant
+6 Parameters +40%
+7 Unlock Evility: Bloody Battle
+8 Parameters +10%
+9 Parameters +10%
+10 Parameters +10%
+11 Unique Skills SP Consumption -2
+12 Water Resistance +10%
+13 ATK +12%
+14 HP / DEF / RES +12%
+15 Parameters +20%

Killia's Training[]

Training Description
1 ATK+10%
2 Tyrant Sweep [Power UP]
3 HP+20%
4 Blood Sting [Power UP]
5 SP+5
6 SPD+1
7 DEF+5%
8 RES+5%
9 Emperor Flughunde [SP-5]
10 Basic parameters +10%.

Character Links[]

Sister Artina
Tyrant Valvatorez
Wild Fenrich



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