Disgaea RPG Wiki

This image of Killia was when he was obsessed with nothing but destruction. Known as the "Tyrant Overlord", he exudes a terrifying aura that scares many away.



Stat lv 1 (4★) per lv lv 9999 (6★) lv 9999 (9★) Rank
HP 138 27 40508550 54011400 Pow rank cPow rank plusPow rank plus
ATK 45 9 13502700 18003600 Pow rank aPow rank plusPow rank plus
DEF 36 7 10502250 14003000 Pow rank a
INT 30 6 9001800 12002400 Pow rank bPow rank plusPow rank plus
RES 30 6 9001800 12002400 Pow rank bPow rank plusPow rank plus
SPD 52 0 52 52 -
CRT 4% CRD 140%

° The minimum stats consider the character to be a 4★ unit, while maximum stats consider a 6★ unit. No Nether Enhancements or other kind of buffs are included.


Fire icon Ice icon Wind icon Star icon
0% 50% 0% 0%


Poison icon Paralysis icon Sleep icon Forget icon
25% 75% 75% 25%

Weapon Mastery[]

Equipment icon-1 Equipment icon-2 Equipment icon-3 Equipment icon-4 Equipment icon-5 Equipment icon-6 Equipment icon-7 Equipment icon-8 Equipment icon-9
9 10 5 3 3 5 3 - -



Name Description
Leader Wave of Tyranny Fist-Wielding Allies: All stats except SPD +15%
N.E. +1 Destructive Urge Self (When wielding Fist): Damage dealt by Skills +55%
Ampoule icon N.E. +5 Raging Tempest Self: SPD +30% if an enemy is down when a turn ends (2 Turns)
N.E. +7 Ruin Incarnate Self: ATK +100% if there is only 1 enemy when a turn starts (1 Turn)


Lv Name Power SP Target Att Dep
1 Rebellion Initium Pow rank gPow rank plus > Pow rank f 25 > 18 AoE - ATK
Take the frozen fist and shatter... -
50 Impulse Destructum - 15 > 8 My Self / My Self - -
The uncontrollable impulses... ATK +20>40% DEF +20>40%
200 Symbolum Feroces Pow rank s > Pow rank sPow rank plus 70 > 58 Single / Single - ATK
Reduces everything to nothing with the overflowing power of destruction. DEF -15%
N. E. +3 Tyrant Revelio Pow rank f > Pow rank fPow rank plus 40 > 31 AoE / My Self - ATK
Desperate destruction to those who stand in the way. [Repeat Use Banned] Action Gauge +1000ATK +25%

° Please refer to this page for a list of Special Skill Effects

Magic Spells[]

Mastery Name Power SP Target Att Dep
4 Ice Pow rank e > Pow rank d 20 > 13 Single Ice icon INT
Uses the power of Ice to deal damage (Tier 1) -
9 Speed Boost - 10 > 3 Ally - -
Increases SPD of the target (3 Turns) SPD+20>35%
15 Mega Ice Pow rank f > Pow rank fPow rank plus 40 > 31 AoE Ice icon INT
Uses the power of Ice to deal damage (Tier 2) -
22 Mega Speed Boost - 20 > 13 Ally - -
Greatly increases SPD of the target (3 Turns) SPD+40>55%
30 Giga Ice Pow rank fPow rank plus > Pow rank e 50 > 39 AoE Ice icon INT
Uses the power of Ice to deal damage (Tier 3) -
40 Omega Ice Pow rank e > Pow rank d 65 > 52 AoE Ice icon INT
Uses the power of Ice to deal damage (Tier 4) -

Nether Enhancement[]

Enhance Description
+1 Unlock Evility: Destructive Urge
+2 Parameters +40%
+3 Unlock Skill: Tyrant Revelio
+4 Parameters +10%
+5 Unlock Evility: Raging Tempest
+6 Parameters +40%
+7 Unlock Evility: Ruin Incarnate
+8 Parameters +10%
+9 Parameters +10%
+10 Parameters +10%
+11 Unique Skills SP Consumption -2
+12 Water Resistance +10%
+13 ATK +12%
+14 HP / DEF / RES +12%
+15 Parameters +20%

Killia's Training[]

Training Description
1 ATK+10%
2 Rebellion Initium [Power UP]
3 HP+20%
4 Impulse Destructum [ATK and DEF +5% (3T) additional]
5 SP+5
6 SPD+1
7 DEF+5%
8 RES+5%
9 Tyrant Revelio [SP-3]
10 Basic parameters +10%.

Character Links[]

Awakened Killia
Formal Lieze
Liezerota Dark



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