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Disgaea RPG Wiki

Here's the list of Weapon Skills that Humanoids can learn via Weapon Mastery.

  • Weapon Mastery Lv. - the Level required to learn the Skill.
  • Att - what Element the Skill is included with: Fire, Ice, Wind, or Star.
  • Power - determines how powerful the skill is by its' rank, G being the lowest and S+ being the highest.
  • Dep - what type of attack the Skill relies on, ATK for Physical and INT for Magic.
  • Effect - what may bestow the user and/or the target upon use of the Skill.


Mastery Lv.

Name Att SP Power Target Dep Effect
4 Blade Rush - 20 E Single ATK -
9 Killer Spin - 30 D Single ATK -
15 Excavation - 40 C Single ATK -
22 Vacuum Slice X - 50 F+ All ATK -
30 Rising Heavens - 65 E All ATK -
40 Neodimension Slash - 90 C All ATK -


Mastery Lv.

Name Att SP Power Target Dep Effect
4 Triple Strike - 20 E Single ATK Bestows "Forget" effect.
9 Phantom Blow - 30 D Single ATK Bestows "Forget" effect.
15 Hurricane Blow Wind icon 40 C Single ATK Bestows "Forget" effect.
22 Purgatory Palm - 50 F+ All ATK Bestows "Forget" effect.
30 Rising Domination - 50 B Single ATK Bestows "Forget" effect.
40 Big Bang Star icon 80 D All ATK Bestows "Forget" effect.


Mastery Lv.

Name Att SP Power Target Dep Effect
4 Impaler Drop - 20 E Single ATK -
9 Thousand Piercings - 30 D Single ATK -
15 Spear Gate - 40 F All ATK -
22 Phoenix Valor Fire icon 50 F+ All ATK -
30 Tornado Spark Wind icon 65 E All ATK -
40 Trident of Kojin - 80 D All ATK Def +10%


Mastery Lv.

Name Att SP Power Target Dep Effect
4 Rapid Arrow - 20 E Single ATK ATK -10%
9 Doppelganger - 25 G+ All ATK ATK -10%
15 Zielregen Wind icon 40 F All ATK ATK -10%
22 Chaotic X Circle - 50 F+ All ATK ATK -10%
30 Galaxy Comet Star icon 65 E All ATK ATK -10%
40 Psycho Mirage - 80 D All ATK ATK -10%


Mastery Lv.

Name Att SP Power Target Dep Effect
4 Tri-Burst - 20 E Single ATK SPD -5%
9 Victory Bullet - 30 D Single ATK SPD -5%
15 Shotgun Craft Fire icon 40 F All ATK SPD -5%
22 Magical Rain - 50 F+ All ATK SPD -5%
30 Rapid Launcher - 65 E All ATK SPD -5%
40 Toten Kreuz Fire icon 35 F All ATK Consecutive Use Prohibited, SPD -10%


Mastery Lv.

Name Att SP Power Target Dep Effect
4 Boulder Crush - 20 E Single ATK DEF -10%
9 Yo-Yo Trick - 30 D Single ATK DEF -10%
15 Wild Crescent - 40 C Single ATK DEF -10%
22 Silver Slugger - 50 B Single ATK DEF -10%
30 Gravity Hammer - 65 E All ATK DEF -10%
40 Lunar Dynamir - 65 S Single ATK DEF -10%

Weapon Mastery can be raised in two ways:

  • By going into fights equipping the weapon you want to raise.
  • By using statues. They come in 3 rarities: Bronze, Silver, and Gold each per weapon type.
Bronze Silver Gold
WM EXP +10 +25 +100
Statue sword gold Statue knuckle gold Statue spear gold Statue bow gold Statue axe gold Statue gun gold Statue wand gold Statue claw gold Statue medal gold